I have to tell you, you were my FAVORITE!!!!!!!!! I am on the convention task force for SAF (Society of American Florists) and I recommended you!! ~Heather Waits Bloomtastic flowers & events, after Wedding MBA 2017
• Charming presenter, funny and good tips to know what drives brides • Loved this. Very entertaining and informative. • Great person and fantastic presenter. He obviously did his homework. • Speaker was so engaging that I believe his presentation was the best illustration of the very idea he was conveying. • Very Entertaining! • Loved his stories. He was clear and gave excellent examples to help the sales process.... • Great topic and Clint was wonderful, I really enjoyed listening to him. Loved his message of Be Nice. I hope he is on your you tube channel as I would really like to watch this again. Great job Clint!!! • Clint is a great presenter and also had great content in his presentation. • Fabulous, enjoyable, funny. Interesting angle. WeddingMBA, 2014